Synopsis: On the verge of committing suicide after being brutally raped by thugs, Nina is persuaded by Ares, her psychotic step brother to track down the thugs and torture them. During their revenge mission, Nina and Ares encounter Trevor Moretti, a rogue cop who helps their cause; Albert Pike, a homophobic multi millionaire; and Freddie Ramone, a priest with dark past.

Starring: Gianna Pattison, Felino Dolloso, Robin Queree, Maninho de Aruanda, Rob Luxford
Written & Directed by
Dicky Tanuwidjaya




Australia – VOD: available for digital rent at Google Play AU , Youtube AU and FetchTV

US & Canada – DVD & VOD: available at  BARNES & NOBLE, BEST BUY, WALMART, AMAZON , AMAZON VOD and several other stores.

The movie was released at Chauvel Cinema, Paddington, Sydney, NSW, November 11th – 24th, 2010


“Made with a certain panache and wit”Review by Andrew L. Urban from URBAN CINEFILE website

“...there are a few things in The Devil’s 6 Commandments that most critics and audiences hadn’t seen in any other films before – like the opening credits, the insert cuts, the very unorthodox revenge method …” – INSIDE FILM magazine Q & A session with Dicky Tanuwidjaya (Writer/Director)

Audiences can expect something different with this one though, as it’s not your typical A to B action movie. There are twists, intrigue and six interweaving story lines”Article from Sydney Central Newspaper

SCARY MINDS WEBSITE: “A movie that will keep your interest, give you a new lease on cinema life, and generally have you happy with the time spent” – Review from Jeff Ritchie – SCARY MINDS website (Note: Full review contain minor spoilers)

VIDEO VACUUM WEBSITE: The Devil’s 6 Commandments is a bit of a diamond in the rough. The parts that shine, shine pretty bright” – Review from Mitch Lovell – VIDEO VACUUM website (Note: Full Review contain a minor spoiler)

FILM BIZARRO WEBSITE:a fun and entertaining flick with some great bits of dark-quirky humor” Review from Preston Carnell – FILM BIZARRO website

VIDEO VAULT WEBSITE: “The Devil’s 6 Commandments is an original story with smartly written characters that engage the audience.” – Review from VIDEO VAULT WEBSITE (Note: Full Review contain minor spoilers)

THE OTHER VIEW WEBSITE: “the story is pretty solid with lots of twists to keep things interesting and well-paced that it never slows down. ” – Review from THE OTHER VIEW WEBSITE (Note: Full Review contain MAJOR Spoilers)

UNDERGROUND FILM JOURNAL:The Devil’s 6 Commandments has just enough fun twists on familiar proceedings that make it feel fresh and original. But, it’s biggest twist is how Tanuwidjaya very thoughtfully explores and complicates his characters’ moral universe” – Review from Mike Everleth (Underground Film Journal) (Note: Full Review contain minor spoilers

PULP MOVIES WEBSITE:The Devil’s 6 Commandments is a very tightly written crime thriller and one that is infused with an enjoyably dark sense of humour.” – Review from Paul Pritchard (PULP MOVIES website)


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